Welcome to HYPE TRAIN - a newsletter that breaks down what's happening in the crazy world of memecoins.

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Welcome to the HYPE TRAIN - a newsletter that breaks down what's happening in the crazy world of memecoins. We'll be breaking down the WTF moments, Best Trades, and much more, while trying to provide some humor to your day.

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Disclaimer: Take none of this as financial advice & do your own research

Aaand here we go:

Pleasant day to be a degen! Welcome to today’s edition of Hype Train, where we will be covering our staples today:

  • TOP Memecoin Performances😇

  • INTERN’S Diamond Hands Pick 💎🙌

  • WTF Coin 🤦‍♂️🤬

  • AND………………stories that will shake your head🙈

CRYPTO STAPLES 🥇 *As of 12:30 pm EST on June 26th



Market Cap




$1.2 Trillion




$411.35 Billion




$82 Billion





$1.9 Billion




$2.1 Billion




$552 Million




$55 Million




$122 Million





$113 Million




$266 Thousand





$17.6 Million


Jason, why is there a python in your pants? Just like most celebrity tokens, it’s most likely a fad. The market cap is at $31.2 million, but the celebrity stigma is real. I dislike it…..straight up, cause deep insecurities (specifically within the post) got in the way. After seeing this tweet………stick to music……. oh wait, it ain’t 2014 no more.

Largest Holders 💸

Alright, y'all, hold onto your hats because we got some news hotter than a jalapeño pepper in a sauna. The largest $WIF holder, let’s call him "Mr. Big Bucks," who's already sitting on a staggering $49.6 million worth of $WIF, just made another massive move. He scooped up 2.3 million $WIF for 4.65 million $USDC at $2.03 a piece. And get this—he’s the same dude who previously dropped $8.65 million on $WIF in a single trade. This guy's got diamond hands and a wallet deeper than the hole my ex put into my heart 💔. His latest buy has got the crypto world buzzing, reminding us all that when whales make waves, the whole ocean feels it.




Market Cap

% Change (24hr)

Intern’s Entry Price



$2.2 Million



*Taken at 12:30 pm EST on June 26

Let me tell you about the latest crypto sensation: Vivook Ramswagi $VIVOOK. This little coin is priced at a tiny $0.00338, but don’t let the small things fool you (IYKYK). It’s been on a rocket ship, soaring 1,400% in the last 8 hours. Yep, you read that right—1,400%!

Now, check this out: the market cap for Vivook Ramswagi is $3.3 million. And get this, in the last 24 hours, the trading volume hit $10.7 million.

So why all the buzz? Well, the word is that Trump’s likely vice president pick may be Vivek Ramaswamy. With that kind of political clout, this coin’s got serious moon potential.

This isn’t just another coin; it’s a movement. So, if you’re looking to ride the next big wave in crypto, ride it along Vivek’s large forehead. His hairline is the only thing pushing back about him, therefore this coin is going to the moon. Vivook Ramswagi is your golden ticket. Don’t sleep on this one, folks!


Yo, you won't believe this! So this dude—let’s call him Crypto Carl—decides to get fancy and buy $1.9 million worth of this new crypto coin, $WATER.

So, he drops nearly 2 mil on $WATER, probably feeling like a big shot. And then—wait for it—within six minutes, SIX MINUTES, y'all, that $1.9 million turns into a sad little puddle of $1.2 million. Poof! Just like that, $716,000 gone.

Now, you know his friends are like, "Man, Carl, you lost almost three-quarters of a mil in six minutes? That's gotta be some kind of record!" And Carl’s just sitting there, probably thinking, “I should’ve stuck to Bitcoin.”

So, moral of the story: if you’re gonna dive into the crypto pool, maybe don’t go all in on $WATER. Just saying.

That’s all for today’s edition, see you degen’s tomorrow!

DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.